Foto: So Ri Gim

Matthias Leupold

1959 Born in Berlin, father: Harry Leupold, DEFA set designer (1928-2013), mother: Willfriede Leupold, fashion designer (1922-2012).

1973-77 Extended secondary school "EOS Heinrich Schliemann", 1977 Abitur in Berlin, Prenzlauer-Berg (today part of Pankow).

1977-79 Basic military service, National People's Army (NVA), Goldberg.

1979-86 Odd jobs, unskilled laborer, driver, among others for the editorial office of Sibylle, magazine for fashion and culture, first photo documentation for the DEFA documentary film studio, Berlin, photo assistant.

1982-85 Several arrests in the GDR, among other things in February 1982 detained in the remand prison of the Ministry for State Security (MfS) in Hohenschönhausen, Berlin, conviction in Frankfurt (Oder).


Since 1982 Freelancer-photographer for industry and media: oil companies, insurances, magazines.

1983 First staged photographs, open group: After Us The Future, Andreas Leupold, Andreas Hentschel 2015.

1986 Exhibition closures by the State Security: March: Bauhaus Dessau, May: Dresden College of Fine Arts.

1986 Moved legally from East Berlin to West Berlin, Berlin-Kreuzberg, border crossing Friedrichstraße ("Palace of Tears").

1987 First trip to the USA, to John P. Jacob, New York, further to Albany (Vermont) and Chicago.

1987 Worked for several months as a taz (Die tageszeitung) photo reporter in Bremen local section.

1987-92 Studies of Visual Communcation, Prof. Harry C. Suchland 1992: Diploma from the University of the Arts (formerly: Hochschule der Künste), Berlin-Charlottenburg.

1989 Trip to the Sahara with Prof. Harry C. Suchland et al.: Tunisia, Algeria.

1989 Marriage with Marie-Luise Tomeit in Dresden.

1994 Graduation as master student of Professor Ludwig Thürmer, University of the Arts, Berlin-Charlottenburg.

1994 Birth of daughter Lilian Pauline L.

1994-96 Several scholarships and residencies, among Atelierhaus Worpswede.


1997-98 Scholarship at the German Academy Villa Massimo Rome.

Since 2007 Professorship for artistic photography, documentary film at the University of Europe for Applied Siences Europe, Berlin Art & Design Department (formerly: Berliner Technische Kunsthochschule-BTK

2007-14 Rector of the Berliner Technische Kunsthochschule-BTK, co-founder, initiator of the photography course of studies.

2008 First trip to Asia: Hong Kong-Guangzhou-Lianzhou, China: Bronze Award Best Photographer of the Year: Lianzhou Photo Festival.

Further trips to Asia followed: 2010, 2011 Vietnam, Cambodia and Thailand, '12 (Vietnam, Malaysia), '14 Vietnam, ’18 Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia.

Since 2013 member of the German Photographic Academy (Deutsche Fotografische Akademie-DFA), since 2017 member of the German Photographic Society, (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Photographie-DGPh, e.V. )

With the film "Lighter than Orange-The Legacy of Dioxin in Vietnam" (2015 GRAND PRIZE Documentary Feature Award of SR - Socially Relevant Film Festival New York) Leupold Film Production Berlin was founded. 

Several travels for artistic documentary and essay films to Romania, Lebanon, Switzerland, Albania.

Founding member of the artist group Engelberg with Katharina Mayer, Kurt Buchwald, Andrej Glusgold.

Lives and works in Berlin.


Reviews Press

30.11.2013 Tagungsmitschnitt Vortrag Matthias Leupold in der Deutschen Fotografischen Akademie DFA, Deichtorhallen, Hamburg

Essays & speeches
M. Leupold_Essays and speeches since 198
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